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Our philosophy


Our whole philosophy relies on a newly discovered method that allows to amplify biotest signals by means of a class of substances called "homeopathic metasubstances".

This lets us get directly to the very core of our customers’ problems. We don’t just dispassionately hand out our analyses. Instead, our goal is to further psychologically interpret these results, aiming towards a deep reading of inner troubles such as anxieties or vitamin and functional deficiencies affecting your body in holistic terms.

In short, our analyses are based on a Being-centered philosophy that we call “Depth Biology”, as it allows to examine the same problem from many points of view and at various levels of depth.

Our philosophy is based on the inner part of our soul, as huge as a Universe and as vast as an horizon. Every doctor should understand that every patient is actually a human being who pleads for help in many ways and in many languages.

Understand, be aware of and deeply analyse our souls: this is the actual yet long forgotten medical science.