Original Cane Corso

There are many things to say, we will talk about everything a little at a time, dedicating adequate space to all the topics.
You must know that the true Cane Corso of history and tradition is a "cowherd" stick, a work stick alongside the man, but also a guard stick, protection of all that is entrusted to him and also a hunter.
This dog works alongside his man, listening to his emotions, interpreting his intentions and acting in almost telepathic symbiosis with his master.
The Cane Corso speaks with the farm animals, he decodes their command that man has given and translates this command into their language, acting as an intermediary and interpreting why the master's will is carried out.
It seems incredible but it is pure truth.
The Cane Corso is also a calmer for wild animals, he cannot stand animals in a state of nervousness, so when he hears an animal or even a man in the throes of agitation, adrenaline, here is the Corso intervenes to calm down.
Often it is his gaze combined with his postural language, he controls the movements of his body, to communicate the "enough" signal, and restores calm, but when this is not enough he intervenes going to grip and crush the animal to calm down with his body, and holding it still for the time necessary that it returns to calm.
When the animal empties itself of its adrenaline rush the course guides it amicably in the direction desired by the master.
The Cane Corso reflects in its "mental form" the psychic, mental, nature and culture characteristics of the people who selected it;
He is a family rod, very possessive and jealous, protective, but also with a great ability to discern conditions, and his own mental elaborations.
The Course is a stick capable of decoding reality and working independently of man, when he works with man he does not need the command but simply listens to and perceives independently what is needed in the specific situation.
The Corso is a stick that works in symbiosis and empathy with his human companion and with all his family, he is the stick not of one man, but the stick of the whole family.
The Corso is a working rod on the farm and as a family.
He is a great keeper and defender of domestic animals and at the same time ruthless hunter of wild animals and predator, very resistant to heat and cold, he eats and assimilates everything.