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Marco Marzaduri, Psicologo. Titolare dello Studio:

A seguire il mio Curriculum Vitae in primis il titolo di Laurea magistrale ottenuto presso L'università Cattolica di Bogotà D.C. il 12 Dicembre 2016 in Psicologia clinica e specializzazione in Ipnositerapia, successivamente l'8 Agosto 2017 ho ottenuto il titolo di Ipnologo-Ipnotista e Counsellor e advisord in Psicologia presso la Scuola d' Ipnosi Costruttivista rilasciato da Dott. Marco Chisotti (autenticato da Studio Legale Daniele Bertaggia) e Ipnosi Regressiva. Il 24 Settembre 2017 ottengo l'equiparazione in Bachelor's Degree by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre by National Commission Further and Higher Education Malta. I Titoli di Laurea sono regolarmente notariati e apostillati con Apostille Convention Colombia e Malta.
Fin dal Agosto 2014 sono stato allievo del Dott. Marco Chisotti come tirocinio il quale nel 2017 mi ha nominato CEO della Scuola d'Ipnosi Costruttivista e dell'A.E.R.F. (Assciazione Europea per la ricerca scientifica e la formazione) e referente internazionale e docente A.E.R.F.-S.I.C. a Malta. Sono iscritto all'ordine degli Psicologi Colombiano e sono Associate Member della Malta Chamber of Psychologists.

CV (curriculum vitae)

Academic Qualifications:

I graduated in Psychology and Hypnosis on December 12, 2016 (doc 1)

I got the recognition in Malta on September 24, 2017 of my Bachelor's Degree by the Malta Qualifications Recognition Information Centre (doc 2)

On December 12, 2016, the Catholic University of Bogotà gave me the post-graduate diploma as a specialist in hypnotherapy. (doc 3)

I did my practice traineeship with Dr. Marco Chisotti from August 2014 to August 8th 2017 with the release of the Master in Constructivist Hypnosis and the qualification of Counselor and Advisor in Psychology (doc 4)

As it is detailed shown in the documents and video you can see and watch at these 2 links and 1 attachment


I should have the required general competences as a practitioner psychologists to:

Be able to understand the power imbalance between practitioners psychologists and clients and how this can be managed appropriately.

Be able to gather the information required through the careful administration of the appropriate assessment techniques.

Be able to analyse, interpret and critically evaluate the information collected.

Be able to formulate and deliver care plans or interventions to meet the needs of the service users.

Be in touch with the latest developments in the particular field of psychology specialised in, critically evaluate the research and thus use it as a basis to inform their own practice. Thus the practitioner psychologist is expected to keep abreast with the key concepts of the bodies of knowledge relevant to their professional practice.

Be able to adapt practice in order to be able to meet the diverse needs of service users.

Be able to conduct audits, reviews of practice and/or effectiveness of planned activity. Related to this competence one must keep adequate records (handled and kept in line with appropriate legislation).

Be able to conduct adequate and appropriate diagnostic procedures, treatment and therapy or other interventions keeping in the mind the safety of the service users.

Be able to practice in a non-discriminatory manner, understand the importance and be able to maintain confidentiality (as well as understand where confidentiality cannot be maintained), and understand the need and importance of informed consent and exercise a professional duty of care.

Be able to reflect critically on their practice and consider alternative ways of working.

Be able to understand and maintain a fitness to practice. Psychologists are thus expected to practice within their area of competence and specialisation, maintain high standards of personal conduct and manage the physical, psychological and emotional impact of their practice. Psychologists are also expected by the MPPB to fulfil the requirements set forth in the CPD document.

Be able to plan, design and deliver training which would take into account the needs of participants.

and furthermore in my specific area of specialization as a Counselling Psychologist, showing these core competencies:

Understand explicit and implicit communications in a therapeutic relationship.

Be able to conduct psychological assessments and make formulations of a range of presentations.

Understand the use and interpretation of tests and other assessment procedures.

Be able to critically evaluate risks and their implications.

Be able to contrast, compare and critically evaluate a range of models of therapy.

Be able to critically evaluate psychopharmacology and its effects from research and practice.

Be able, on the basis of psychological formulation, to implement psychological therapy or other interventions appropriate to the presenting problem and to the psychological and social circumstances of a range of clients.


Tipo Impresa: Ditta individuale
Numero dipendenti: Microimpresa (meno di 10 dipendenti)
Fatturato: dai 250.000 ai 500.000 di euro
Albo di riferimento: : Malta Chamber of Psychologists

Parole chiave:

Ipnoanalista , Ipnoterapeura , Psicologo , Marco marzaduri ,