Sei in: Chi siamo

Chi siamo

The artistic tradition of the de Filippis Family goes back to the 18 th century when the Grandfather, nonno, Emilio I, departed from Venafro, a charming village south of Rome, where people have deep appreciation for good olive oil, wine and home made food, to complete his studies in the Art Academy in Paris specializing in Marble Sculpture.
He worked there for six years. His son Ernesto with the grandson Emilio II, Ilio, continued this art for several years from the 1950s to 1970s in Monumental, Religious and Residential Architecture.
Ilio went to Florence to study Architecture and discovered the beautiful Medici Renaissance Technique of “Pietre Dure”. Having the experience of working with his Family, gave him the ability to realize his dream of creating his own Design Studio.
Today his experiences have enabled him to branch out in several different new and exciting avenues being: Jewelery, Mosaic Art Work, Architecture and Design.
The satisfaction he receives from creating his beautiful Masterpieces feeds him the energy and strength to let revive this almost forgotten Renaissance Art Form.

Numero R.E.A.: 603101
Tipo Impresa: Società a responsabilità limitata (s.r.l.)
Numero dipendenti: Microimpresa (meno di 10 dipendenti)
Albo di riferimento: : artigiani